Monday, December 19, 2011

The Bobcat Chronicles?

It doesn't exactly have the same alliterative charm as "The Cougar Chronicles," but I'm guessing that this blog is something that I'll have to leave behind while packing for college next year anyways. Oh, yes! If the title doesn't give it away, I heard back from my ED school, and shall be attending Bates College come fall! When I found out, I went down to the kitchen and began frolicking around my mother, who was baking Christmas cookies. Honestly, I have a lot of maturing to do before college :P Anywho, I finally (rather casually) dropped the news while I was basting some pork for dinner later on that night. "You know, Mom, it sure is a relief knowing that I'm going to be eating just as well as this next year at Bates." She was like "What!!" One of the things I'm especially looking forward to is being able to practice on a track (recall this past track season, where the MB team would warm up in their "Road and Parking Lot" team shirts..yes, there was a reason behind them). Also, as any of my close peers can attest, I am an absolute chai fanatic, and Bates makes some of the most amazing stuff I've ever tasted. Deal breaker right there ;)

Yes, of course I'm fully aware how sickening and obsessive this is :D


1 comment:

  1. Congrats babe :) rawr rawr rawr go bobcats
    -your neighborhood Polar Bear <3
